Web Development

computer hardware


Industry Certifications:

Comp TIA IT Fundamentals

Certiport IT Specialist-Networking

Certiport IT Specialist-JavaScript

End of Program Assessments

Network Administration

Computer Programming

Web Development and Administration

Work Environment:

Develop and implement websites, web applications, application databases, and interactive web interfaces. Evaluate code to ensure that it is properly structured, meets industry standards, and is compatible with browsers and devices. Optimize website performance, scalability, and server-side code and processes. May develop website infrastructure and integrate websites with other computer applications.

How to become a Web Developer:

Recruiters and hiring managers typically seek candidates with at least a Bachelor's degree when filling this role.


The entry level salary in Kentucky's Statewide Areas, for Web Developers is $46,240

The median salary is $60,810

The salary for an experienced Web Developers is $98,920

The statewide entry level salary for all occupations is $22,980

The statewide median salary is $40,180

Job Outlook:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 17.0% employment growth for web developers between 2022 and 2032. In that period, an estimated 16,700 jobs should open up. Web developers create and maintain websites and web applications, and they use web-facing technology to build software.

Other potential jobs/statistics

Computer Systems Analysts:There are 33 people currently employed as Computer Systems Analysts with a potential for 5 new job openings in the next 5 years.

Software Developers:There are 127 people currently employed as Software Developers with a potential for 24 new job openings in the next 5 years.