Computer Programming

computer hardware


Industry Certificates:

Comp TIA IT Fundamentals

Certiport IT Specialist-Networking

Certiport IT Specialist-JavaScript

End of Program Assessments:

Network Administration

Computer Programming

Web Development and Administration

Work Environment:

Create, modify, and test the code and scripts that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software and web developers or other individuals. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.

How to become a Computer Program:

Recruiters and hiring managers typically seek candidates with at least a Bachelor's degree when filling this role.


The entry level salary in Kentucky's Statewide Areas, for Computer Programmers is $58,200

The median salary is $74,560

The salary for an experienced Computer Programmers is $125,310

The statewide entry level salary for all occupations is $22,980

The statewide median salary is $40,180

Job Outlook:

There are 117 people currently employed as Computer Programmers with a potential for 5 new job openings in the next 5 years.

Other potential jobs/statistics:

Software Developers:There are 127 people currently employed as Software Developers with a potential for 24 new job openings in the next 5 years.

Computer Network Architects:There are 60 people currently employed as Computer Network Architects with a potential for 9 new job openings in the next 5 years.